Hi Community,
We recently released a better Multi-Wallet user Interface and pushed for Polkawatch analytics integration in community projects and resources.
We created a MVP integration with Polkadot Staking Dashboard that allowed us to verify that bringing decentralization analytics closer to were the staking decissions are made is working well, as more nominations are getting analyzed now than ever before by simply linking both services.
On top of continued operation for 2023H2 (50% retroactive), we are also looking to:
Fully integrate Polkawatch Analytics in the Polkadot Staking Dashboard. Furthermore, after reaching for community feedback at sub0 conference, we decided to improve the Staking Dashboard Plugin system (already in development) as part of this cooperation so that other community projects can also be present at the Staking Dashboard too.
We also need to implement a different GeoLocation strategy, the network addressing in the heartbeats events is being phased out in Substrate, which forces us to look into this information at a lower protocol level: p2plib Distributed Hash Table (DHT) instead. Something that is also required for decentralization analytics of AURA parachains. Parachain support will provide further funding options, reducing dependency on the Treasury.
This milestone includes strategic developments but also singles out, and minimizes, continued operation costs, currently at 2.9K USD per month (including archive nodes and promotion), which is the sustainable cost for the community to keep decentralization analytics running in absence of service improvements/developments.
You can download our detailed proposal for further detail.
And please, do not hesitate to reach out with feedback.
See proposal pitch VIDEO on AAG, Oct 19,
SubSquare has made improvements to their Multi-Wallet user interface and integrated Polkawatch analytics into community projects. They have also integrated Polkadot Staking Dashboard and are working on improving the Staking Dashboard Plugin system. They need to implement a different GeoLocation strategy and are looking into p2plib Distributed Hash Table (DHT) for this purpose. Parachain support will provide further funding options, reducing dependency on the Treasury. The continued operation costs are currently at 2.9K USD per month, which is the sustainable cost for the community to keep decentralization analytics running. You can find more details in their proposal and watch their proposal pitch video.