BOTLabs GmbH registered Kusama parachains 2086 and 2108 for the benefit of the KILT Protocol. Kusama ParaID 2086 is the legacy Spiritnet which is not required anymore since KILT moved to Polkadot in October 2022. 2108 was used to bid for a new lease which was later swapped to 2086. Both chains are no longer required, but at the time of registration, unlocking a parachain was not supported. We therefore propose to deregister both chains via governance. Please verify the signatures of both registrar accounts for 2086 and 2108.
SIgnature of parachain 2086: 0xe4458ecaaaa955dd4d73f43f25f4792a2fd0b003a2bc5e0b2eb2868ff98af916fd5bee389105e47fb771ee633e3248097c890624ad7416e9e82d6ea6f4b7cc80
Signature for 2108 not necessary, beacuse call submitted with that account.