For the robustness and stability of the nodes in the system chain, there is a high risk involved in proposing solutions. Please handle this matter in a more scientific way. For example, in the case of insufficient trading volume, seeking specialized funds through upward communication.
Hello, on behalf of the AIWeb3 DAO (the most vibrant Chinese community within the Dotsama ecosystem, with the mission to amplify the voice of the Chinese-speaking community and support Chinese content creators, ensuring it plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of Dotsama eco),
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Comments: we have discussed this proposal in the community, and some community members had question about why there is a need for 12 collators (not less as the kusama is not busy for now? ) for each system chain, it would be great if you can show up in our twitter space next week and explain it to the community.
您好,我代表AIWeb3 DAO,这个波卡生态中最具活力的中文社区,旨在放大中文社区的声音,支持中文内容创作者,确保其在塑造波卡未来中发挥重要作用。
我们特地邀请你们参加我们的Twitter空间是每周二上午10点(UTC+8), 在我们的官方推特: 。如有任何问题,请加入我们的Telegram讨论:英文Telegram , 中文 TG group:。
Dear @PromoTeam Validator and @Web3 edu and investment
At the time the bounty was created, we were informed by the respective dev team that ideal number of collators was around twelve. It is my understanding that this count arouse due to guidance from an SR Labs report/audit.
While it is true that a chain can operate with fewer collators, given the importance of system chains as shared resources I think it best that it operate as close to ideal with least risk of censorship.
@PromoTeam Validator I appreciate the perspective of curtailing overall spending. Despite this we also need to consider that spending is still required to keep the lights on. I see collation, validation and reasonable spending on RPC all falling within this bracket.
The earnings of each collator is not purely profit, there are expenses and time involved on the part of the node operator. I have aspirations of "getting more" from the node operators of System Collators as part of a "Make Kusama great again" strategy. I'll happily share in private.
@D2pf...6JKx I'm not quite sure as to what you're suggesting. Perhaps some form of alternative funding? Could you polish the English please?
Will | Paradox | System Collator Coordinator
We need fewer collators on Kusama. Kusama is not big enough to support this infrastructure. I voted AYE for such proposal, but longterm it's not a sustainable solution, we need to compare it with the size of network. Be real! Who is in charge of this bounty and managing it, why so much overspending?