Hello Polkadot & Kusama community!
My name's Claudio, Polkadot Ambassador and I also run the KryptosChain media brand (Youtube & Twitter), you likely have heard of me before, either because you watched my videos or because you have seen me actively contributing in governance in the last number of months., but if you don't. I'm an ex-Database Developer who developed a passion for content creation in Web3 and have started a Youtube channel in April of 2018 with the scope to share my research with other crypto enthusiasts as well as use my tech knowledge to do tutorials and try and explain users something techier in a non tech way.
As Polkadot launched in 2020, I started doing media coverage about the ecosystem and have since been doing mostly that.
I had previously raised a proposal (not for my main KryptosChain channel) in January 2023 which had passed public voting and which is #Ref.46 and has since been delivered.
You can find the final delivery report here. This was an initiative to grow a Romanian community who didn't have any content available about Polkadot.
While delivering the proposal for #Ref.46 I had continued to produce content on my main channel, KryptosChain including interviews with Founders from the Polkadot ecosystem without requesting additional funding from the Treasury and had been managed within that budget as the KSM price had performed very well between referendum start date and receiving the funds and I felt it was only normal to do that for the community.
This new proposal is to request treasury funding for a new initiative which I believe and hope will bring a new group of users to the Polkadot ecosystem.
To produce a total of 116 videos over a period of 6 months of the following types:
Comparison videos between different ecosystems, Cosmos, Cardano, Solana, Aptos, Sui & Avalanche x 52 videos
(Compare products such as DEFI dApps, wallets and NFT marketplaces from the above ecosystems to those on Polkadot and talk about the pros & cons)
General Polkadot ecosystem news x 26 videos
Open Governance news regarding treasury spends x 26 videos
(Kusama but will include Polkadot when / if it launches during this proposal period)
Interviews with Founders / Co-Founders or other team members x 12 videos
You can find the full proposal here
The discussion can be found by clicking the link at the top of this page which has been linked to this referendum.
The requested amount is 1,651.17 KSM , worth approximately $41,395 @ $25.07 per KSM at today's market price.
Should the price of KSM appreciate within the 14 days + the additional days before the payment from the treasury is sent, I will be transferring the extra KSM back to the Treasury. Should the price drop, I will work with what I got and should it drop by a lot, I will be requesting an additional top-up to make up for it in a separate proposal (Let's hope it won't be needed).
I look forward to your feedback over these next 14 days of the referendum.