Proponent: DQKDxdDvG6CMPasExAHC9H9VSpB6d8CcKnspphwXs28FzC6
Date: 10.11.2021
Requested USD: USD 14,728.00 Quarterly (USD 4,909.33 Monthly)
Short description: provides users of the Polkadot ecosystem with a centralised repository of unbiased information regarding parachain projects and auctions. This proposal seeks to obtain funding for the continued operation, maintenance and development of the website.
Problem Statement:
Parachains are a fundamental aspect of the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems. It can however be a daunting task to find information on these projects or to compare them directly. This is prevalent during auction periods in which would-be crowd loaners examine prospective candidates.
The auction mechanism within the ecosystem also has some complexities, it possesses two phases and a random bid winner assessment point. Present auction interfaces focus primarily on which project has raised the most capital. There was no public tool that represented the auction events on a timeline. This representation was useful when examining the events of auction nine (9), in which a project won due to the timing of the candle end.
The full details of the proposal can be found using this link Proposal Summary