**Requested KSM: **$45,095 USD for the execution of the closing party for Polkadot Decoded Mexico City. This is 988.71 KSM at a 7-day average price of $59.07 USD per KSM. Currently, there’s a big difference between the 7-day average price and the current market price. We took into account this difference to make sure we get the amount of USD we need to execute the event. See the breakdown in the payment conditions document
**Short description: **The event for Polkadot Decoded in Mexico is facing some challenges. It was announced that Mexico would host an official event for Decoded, today there are more than 170 people registered to assist in the event, and people are starting to ask why Mexico does not appear on the official Decoded Site (Examples in the document). The Mexican community AT LEAST deserves a Polkadot Level closing party on June 30. This is a proposal to maintain Polkadot’s reputation in Mexico, and execute a 500 people party in one of the coolest venues in the city, with a cost per attendee of $90 USD, one of the most efficient costs compared to other similar proposals like Korea’s kickoff party.
Here you can read the whole proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_14ItHphMQnTyBShzMgQxlQ8QsuEaIpYZltoYingnsg/edit#
Here you can read the whole proposal https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_14ItHphMQnTyBShzMgQxlQ8QsuEaIpYZltoYingnsg/edit#