Happy New Year to everyone.
This is a translation of the official polkadot/kusama Wiki taking from the official polkadot wiki from crowdin, There are more page to add and fixed some error, but it is almost done 88%. The translation was done by several people but you can see the top contributors in crowdin. Zheiler is in the top 3 contributors.
Zheiler also help with some of the substrate-developer-hub in crowdin, the only language 100% done in substrate hub in crowdin. I dont have full accept to this one, so i could not do the gitbook for substrate.
The link is not public, you can see it but if you try to search it you wont find it. I spent some time try to organized it in gitbook. polkadot and kusama.
You can find more info in the top contributor of both.
https://crowdin.com/project/polkadot-wiki/reports/top-members (2019-09-06 – 2022-01-01)
https://crowdin.com/project/substrate-developer-hub/reports/top-members (2019-12-01 – 2022-01-01)
I am doing this to test this feature of "tip" but Beside the tip, it is a honor to contribute for the official docs and hope it helps to motivate other to contribute in other language.