TheFVK, in less than four months, has amassed an enthusiastic twitter following with his 15 refreshing twitter threads, complete mastery of the gif, and kind-hearted attitude. An epic 8-part series of threads introducing people to the quirks of Kanaria lead to broader Dotsama topics such as the NFT collection decentralization, the Vanity Generator feature, and random acts of kindness by members of the community. This report of awesome is meant to bring to the council’s attention the exceptional content TheFVK brings to our community in the hopes that his hours of research and creation may be rewarded to support and encourage further contributions.
His address can be verified here.
The Dotsama community was alerted to this report via this tweet.
15 Unique and Thought provoking Twitter Threads :
The case for collecting NFTs (45 likes, 12 retweets)
In depth analysis on the current state of Singular and NFTs on Kusama
Kusama Random Acts of Kindness (45 likes, 12 retweets)
A thread highlighting kind and just acts performed by members of the Dotsama community.
Vanity Generator (166 likes, 20 retweets)
A walk through the Polkadot.js Vanity Generator including some approachable technical explanation.
Rome (214 likes, 54 retweets)
An overview of “defi 2.0” RomeDAO, and what sets this protocol apart from the rest.
Kanaria Wardrobe (26 likes, 5 retweets)
Covering how to use a Kanaria Wardrobe tool, a top finisher in the RMRK Hackathon.
IPFS / downloading your NFT in high definition (74 likes, 25 retweets)
A short how-to thread on what the IPFS is and how to download resources from it.
NFT collection decentralization (96 likes, 36 retweets)
A Fascinating thread on NFT collection decentralization and what it means for holders
Kanaria - Genesis Gems (81 likes, 25 retweets)
Deep dive into Kanaria Gems
Kanaria - Revenue Sharing Gems (65 likes, 17 retweets)
A Close look at Kanaria revenue sharing Gems
Kanaria - Cryptopunk Showdown (20 likes, 5 retweets)
An in depth comparison between Kanaria and Crypto Punks
Kanaria - metaverses (14 likes, 1 retweets)
Kanaria’s plans for the meters
Kanaria - partnerships (14 likes, 2 retweets)
A thorough look at how RMRK has woven itself into the fabric of Kusama
Kanaria - oddities (30 likes, 4 retweets)
The wacky, rare, and unique in Kanaria
Kanaria - rarity and values (25 likes, 14 retweets)
An analysis of how public perception of Kanaria have evolved over time.
Kanaria - why is it special (29 likes, 9 retweets)
Introduction to the uniqueness of RMRK