This tip is to recognise the tireless work of Paradox in the community. If you scroll around the Kusama and Polkadot Watercoolers, the Direction channels and especially the Kusama and Polkadot Validators Lounges you will find Paradox answering messages, providing info and advicing operators, herding different opinions to ultimately reach a consensus on-chain or simply triggering many useful discussions.
Most recently, Paradox initiated the discussion on the possibility of an enforceable minimum commission for validators: a conversation that it is not at all a simple one to have in the community. He has also moderated several discussion in the direction channels, and has helped out with several issues and code reviews. Closer to my work as a Council member, Will has helped a lot in guiding teams and advising them on treasury proposals submissions and tips - and has become essential to my work as a councillor to count with his useful advice in several matters.
I want to recognise Will's work in the last months with this tip and I hope councillors will join me in recognising an important community member and his contributions to the community during the last months. In the future, I hope a bounty will cover this type of tip submissions with a more structure in place to do so, but for now tipping is the most suitable option for these type of rewards.