Dear council,
I am proposing this tip to CSaint for collating and presenting ecosystem related news and events for the period January 8th - February 12th 2022. Each weekly newsletter is extremely detailed with sections for organized reading. The Speed Reading section is quite useful just to capture the main points.
- The Glimmer of Moonbeam
- Astar is Born
- Connecting the Dots
- Ulitmate Trust
- An Efficient Acala
CSaint ends the newsletter with two interesting sections, Rumours & Alpha and an Opinions. These sections provides uniqueness to the product and lends some insight to what might be an alternative view. This newsletter is a testimony of the good work that WagMedia is producing to provide awareness of events occurring in the ecosystem.
The authors tip address is found to the bottom of each article.
EDIT: Please note that it was brought to my attention that the first three of these items were already tipped for 4 KSM . I have informed the council via the direction channel.
Kind Regards,