Hi my name is Guillermo and yesterday I made this video/stream (in Spanish) of almost 21 minutes. I'm dedicated to creating content focused on the #Dotsama ecosystem on my YouTube channel.
In the video I show the Talisman website, how to download the wallet, put the seed phrase or migrate from Polkadot.js wallet, where to see our available funds, how to send our funds to another wallet, where to see our locked funds in the crowdloans, the rewards we will receive, more information about the crowdloans and our NFTs we have.
I also make a comparison Polkadot.js vs Talisman wallet (things I like about them, what I don't like and suggestions for them to give more privacy to those who make stream content so that our addresses are not seen), I compare very briefly Talisman wallet vs Sub.id, I show the collection of NFTs of the Talisman wallet (Spirit Keys) and finally I show their Twitter and their official Discord.
I shared the video on their Discord, they liked it and thanked me for doing it since I am the only Spaniard who has created content about this wallet on Youtube.