Dear Council
It has been a while since Paradox posted a video on YouTube. But when he does, it is always high-quality and educational. This one is no exception.
There was an update to the Polkadot Network and Ledger Live isn't working. There's no foreseeable remedy as Ledger would be required to update Node and they are hesitant. Ledger Live users are left stranded and frequently visit the support channels for assistance to regain access to their accounts. There is sometimes panic as users believe that funds are stored in their "ledger". This video lays out the scenarios and explains the reasons.
This video covers:
- Assures users that their funds are still available and are hosted on the relay chain. Ledger Live is a gateway to the data on the relay chain as-is Polkadot.JS. You can access your EXISTING account.
- Describes the issue in brief.
- Provides a short demo of viewing your reward history using a block explorer like and retrieving your account in Polkadot.JS/apps
- Mentions that there's a new minimum required for DOT staking i.e. 40 bonded DOT and that other reasons for not receiving rewards remain constant e.g. Payout not being issued, Being in the oversubscribed list and finally but not exhaustively if your validator is at 100% commission.
P.S. Add a clickable link: