Dear Council,
I wish to propose a tip to for the development of Scout a validator lookup tool. The tool provides nominators with a very fast (cached) lookup for validators that is network independent.
Some highlighted benefits over other similar systems are:
- The returns are calculated on actual returns over a 90 day window which is an improvement over others that uses estimates based on commission and total stake.
- It also allows a validator to view the actual nominations of particular nominees.
- There are charts that remove W3F nomination information which may skew results due to its large bond
Of particular interest is Effective Nominators Stake. As a validator it is particularly difficult to gauge how much stake is required to be elected into the active set. This is because the total stake that is visible is nominated stake that must be applied through Phragmen before an active stake can be determined.
Scout attempts to estimate the Effective Nominators Stake by dividing a nominators bond by their component nominations and then summing this figure together. While this is not an exact approach it gives validators some bearing.
This is certainly a tool I will reference often and I hope the community by large will also benefit from its use.