Kucoin screwed up


When withdrawing KSM to my wallet i had accidentally pasted my ETH address instead of my KSM address,
Kucoin sadly let the transaction go thru

here is a signature that proves i am the owner of the etheruem address and it states the KSM wallet that i own

"address": "0x1Ba2A537A771AA4EaC2f18427716557e4E744864",
"msg": "this address was funded in error by KuCoin, you can use https://www.shawntabrizi.com/substrate-js-utilities/ to verify it corresponds to the Ethereum address signing this message, I would like to request funds moved to FLjtnJVJJ3JGs6S3PLRDmEkhTCkrVdtD34mG4ktHpDfYMzG",
"sig": "0x761ef49ad04c994e79bac5ade364d635b27145a495c8e836cc50974158f7eb9f631b7302018209bb7fba82dc8291055ac9d516563ccb75ee016a4d5441c1d8d11c",
"version": "2"

Thank you to anyone who helps make up for Kucoin's mistake

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