DotsToLines - KSM Society Collaboration: The Kusama Human Blockchain Project


I have been working on a proposal focused on Community growth and education, involving the KSM Society and DotsToLines. I am adding a link to the proposal, the narrative, rationale, milestones and goals here for your review and discussion - happy to answer questions. I have not included the projected budget for the proposal for now to focus only on the content, and will be sharing this shortly.

You can find the proposal here.

THIS IS AN ALLIANCE BETWEEN HUMANS AND MACHINES. We are a product of science and technology, we cannot distance ourselves from it. We can forge an alliance to embrace what technology can do for us and what we can do for others.

We are part human and machine. We are part of hybrid networks living and reproducing in our bodies. The dichotomy Natural / Artificial is no longer relevant in our times. We are here to understand how hybrid networks can help human development. We are cyborgs.

The Kusama Human Blockchain Project aims to forge an eternal alliance between human and machine. We live in the machine and the machine lives in us. This is a social movement triggered by the immutable hash-chain as a concept with the goal of erasing the division between human and machine.

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