Encointer Treasury Proposal (budget halving)


In our recent referendum 33, DOT holders decided against funding Encointer’s current burn rate of 100kCHF/mt (1.5% of current treasury influx). Nevertheless, Encointer is deemed a valuable common good for the Dotsama ecosystem by many reputable individuals and projects in the Dotsama ecosystem. 

With this adapted proposal we are budgeting with a 50% lower burn rate and aim to still achieve valuable goals similar to the ones described in the previous proposal on a relaxed timescale.

This proposal to the Polkadot Treasury shall cover our expenses for Sep-Dec 2023 (4mt)

The amount of the proposed spend is CHF 238’000 = USD 270’606 = 59'895 DOT

Please read our new  detailed proposal document

Summary of Planned Actions

  1. Rampdown to half budget
  2. Experiment with more scalable approaches within the personhood trilemma design space, leveraging the primitives we already built
  3. Field test the new Encointer Faucet as additional benefit of participation and onramp to KSM
  4. Integrations with KILT, Polkassembly and possibly others


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