Kuma Wallet - Milestone 5


Hi everyone,

Blockcoders is proud to propose the Kuma Wallet milestone 5 that will cover SubQuery Integration, Fiat On/Off Ramp with Transak, Cross-chain swaps with HydraDX Omnipool and Community Requested Features support for the last 4 months. Kuma Wallet is making easy to manage and transfer tokens between relayers and parachains. Built with the user experience in mind.

Feature set of the proposal (see proposal)

  • SubQuery Integration
  • Fiat On/Off Ramp with Transak
  • Cross-chain swaps with HydraDX Omnipool
  • Community Requested Features

Why Kuma Wallet?

In today's fragmented blockchain landscape, managing assets across multiple chains is cumbersome and often requires multiple wallets or interfaces. Kuma Wallet addresses this challenge head-on, providing seamless, secure, and efficient asset management across diverse blockchain ecosystems.

At the heart of Kuma Wallet's endeavor is a commitment to fostering an open, equitable, and vibrant ecosystem for blockchain users—regardless of the network they are on. We aim to build and maintain a high-quality, open-source, community-focused, and feature-rich wallet that stands as a beacon of neutrality in a space often fragmented by network biases and limitations.

Current Metrics

Over the recent weeks, we have experienced a significant uptick in our user base, showcasing a substantial growth rate of 1900%. This remarkable increase translates to a consistent rise in our weekly users, marking a steady upward trajectory over the depicted period.

Below, we present a graph that encapsulates the weekly user count over the last two months:

This growth is largely attributable to our concerted marketing efforts, enhanced platform functionality, and the robust community engagement strategies we have implemented. Among these, fostering a strong presence within the Polkadot community has been instrumental. Our platform's alignment with the Polkadot ecosystem's objectives has not only catalyzed user adoption but also garnered valuable feedback that has been pivotal in refining our offerings.


SubQuery Network

Kuma Wallet is currently partnered with SubQuery Network, a cutting-edge data indexing framework that specializes in flexible, reliable, and decentralized APIs tailored for web3 projects. SubQuery's platform offers fast data synchronization, indexing optimizations, and supports over 100 chains, making it a truly multi-chain solution.

Kuma Wallet will achieve extremely fast sync times, enabling a responsive and up-to-date user experience. This technology eliminates the need to rely on websocket RPCs for each supported chain. SubQuery’s multi-chain support aligns perfectly with Kuma Wallet’s vision of seamless cross-chain asset management. SubQuery's GraphQL interface will easily filter, paginate, and aggregate data, enriching the application with dynamic functionalities.

Transak On-Ramp

In alignment with Kuma Wallet's vision to make cryptocurrency management and trading as simple and inclusive as possible, we are working on integrating Transak, a globally recognized financial services gateway. This strategic collaboration will offer our users a frictionless experience in buying and selling tokens directly through the Kuma Wallet interface, using traditional fiat methods like credit cards, Apple Pay, and bank accounts.

Initially, the supported tokens for the on/off ramp functionality will include Polkadot (DOT), Kusama (KSM), Astar (ASTR), Moonriver (MOVR), and Moonbeam (GLMR). Furthermore, our collaboration with Transak extends beyond these offerings, as we are working together to include additional Parachains in the near future.

Swapping Cross-Chain

Cross-chain asset management is the future of decentralized finance, and Kuma Wallet aims to be at the forefront of this revolution. To offer a seamless experience to users who wish to transfer and swap assets across multiple blockchains, we're introducing the Swapping Cross-Chain feature. Our unique approach involves utilizing the Ink! smart contract language and the HydraDX Omnipool.

Community Requested Features

A crucial element that sets Kuma Wallet apart in the competitive landscape of digital asset management is our commitment to community engagement. We believe that the best way to build a product that serves the needs of its users is by listening to them directly. Therefore, we're dedicating a portion of our development resources specifically to implement features and improvements requested by the Kuma Wallet community.

Please review the full proposal with a detailed description & costs:


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