Hello, Dotsama community! Due to first experience with Treasury we went in a backwards order and created Proposal before the Discussion post. We are creating it now to fill the gap and have a productive discussion about the project. Feedback we collected so far has been very positive both in social media and here, but we are open to all comments and suggestions.
Treasury Proposal: https://kusama.polkassembly.io/treasury/223
Full proposal with UI screenshots and all details can be found here: Link>>
KusaMint is a development kit for NFT artists, collection makers and the whole Kusama community in general. It provides different tools to mint and manage NFTs with ease.
Our goal is to make NFT creation easy for people who don’t have programming skills. Let anyone mint advanced NFTs with an accessible UI which in return will expand the Kusama NFT community with more talented artists and collectors who were scared by the complexity of mints before.
Currently KusaMint is adjusted for RMRK 2.0, but as development continues, it will scale to RMRK X.0 and other protocols operating in Dotsama.
2.0 NFT Minter
An easy to use UI that opens a whole new set of possibilities to new users. The minter will constantly expand its functionality and applications as development goes.
Currently you can create NFTs with multiple types of resources:
Base resource (Parent) - the main “Base” of your composable NFT. Child resources will be equipped onto it.
Slot resource (Child) - these resources allow one NFT to be added on the other one. This can result in NFTs with “equipment”, art with multiple layers, different effects and a lot more depending on the user's creativity.
Common - classic, non-functional resource.
Moreover, our Minter allows to: Create Soulbound NFTs Inherit metadata from other NFTs Mass-mint multi-resourced NFTs Set royalties and royalty receiver Mint directly to another wallet or NFT Replace and update resources Create and manage your base
Create collection snapshots in a simple and comfortable way to get a list of every NFT with its holder details (csv/json)
Lite- NFTs & Owners
Advanced- NFT with details & Owners with identity
Notification Bot Factory
In a few clicks you can create a sales bot that will read remarks and track your collection sales and floor prices.
Configure your own bots on all the popular social media: Twitter, Discord and Telegram.
Full proposal: Link>>
More information about our projects: Link>>
Requested Amount: 1493 KSM/48800 USD (Coingecko data on 2nd of November 2022)
Total team hours: 1400 Hours
Costs detalization: Link>>
We are glad to see feedback on proposal as well as suggestions for extra functionality from the community and hope that this development kit will be useful for many creators in the space.