Validators are the core of NPOS networks like Polkadot and Kusama. In order to avoid concentrated risk with few validators, it is important that the set of validators is sufficiently diverse and decentralized. The Thousands Validators Programme (1kv programme) encourages decentralization of the validators by giving a platform to individuals that want to start running a validator.
This proposal will build dashboards with the historical performance and statistics of the 1kv validators. This unique and detailed insight is important for independent nominators and staking pool operators that are deciding to stake with a 1kv validator.
With all the data collected, the proposal intends to answer fundamental questions about the 1kv programme; for example, is the network more decentralized, does it fulfil its promise for long-term participants to become independent, ... Optimizing the 1kv programme will benefit the whole network.
Lastly, we intend to document the inner workings of the 1kv scoring mechanism. This will allow operators to better align themselves towards the priorities that 1kv wants to incentivize.
An alpha version of the proposed 1kv insight page is already functional with limited metrics. It has about 20 to 40 unique visitors daily.
For more details including costs, see our full proposal here.
All feedback is welcome!