Bad actors in treasury proposals OpenGov


Dear Polkadot Community,

It has come to my attention that there is a growing concern within our community regarding the misuse of treasury funds by certain individuals who fail to deliver the quality content and engagement that our community deserves. Additionally, there are reports of whales being influenced by external factors, which undermines the transparency and fairness of our governance system.

In light of these challenges, I believe it is crucial for us to consider potential solutions that can address these issues and promote a more equitable and engaged Polkadot community. One such solution that I would like to propose is the implementation of an incentive mechanism for voting within our governance system.

When community members vote 'Aye' or 'Nay' on proposals, they should be rewarded with DOT tokens. This incentive structure has the potential to create a more dynamic and active participation in our OpenGov platform, which is essential for the health and fairness of our decision-making processes.

Here's how this mechanism could work:

Reward for Voting: Community members who participate in the voting process by casting their votes on proposals will receive a reward in DOT tokens. This will encourage more individuals to actively engage in the governance system and have their voices heard.

Increased Transparency: By rewarding voters, we can make the process more transparent and encourage individuals to take part in the decision-making process. This could lead to better-informed decisions and a more inclusive community.

Balanced Influence: Incentivizing participation can help level the playing field by ensuring that the decision-making process is not dominated by a small group of whales or external influences. This will promote a more balanced and representative governance structure.

Community Growth: This approach will likely attract more community members to participate, leading to the growth of our community and an increase in the diversity of perspectives and ideas.

By introducing this voting incentive mechanism, we can take a significant step toward ensuring that the Polkadot community's decision-making process remains open, fair, and responsive to the needs and wishes of our members. It is essential that we maintain the integrity of our governance system and uphold the values of transparency and community engagement.

I encourage all members of our community to share their thoughts and ideas on this proposal. Your feedback and input are invaluable as we work together to make our governance system even more robust and resilient. Let's collaborate to strengthen the Polkadot ecosystem and ensure it remains a model of community-driven governance in the blockchain space.

Thank you for your attention and commitment to the Polkadot project. Together, we can shape the future of our community for the better.



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