Addressing Polkadot's Negative Image on Twitter

Polkadot has encountered significant challenges with its reputation on Twitter, where posts related to Polkadot frequently attract criticism and ridicule. These disparaging comments, including phrases like "dot is dead" or "dot is a scam," undoubtedly deter potential investors and negatively impact Polkadot's market perception. In contrast, other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Solana, and Cardano enjoy a considerably more positive online presence. This proposal aims to address this critical issue by improving Polkadot's adoption and market evaluation.

Scope and Objectives

Investigate the Sources of Negativity:

Task: Conduct an analysis to pinpoint the origins of the negative sentiment surrounding Polkadot on Twitter.

Deliverable: A report identifying the key sources and influencers contributing to Polkadot's unfavorable image.

Analyze Frequent Points of Criticism:

Task: Identify and categorize the recurring points of criticism directed at Polkadot.

Deliverable: A report highlighting the most common criticisms and their prevalence.

Provide Data to Counter Criticism:

Task: Regularly compile and present data that effectively dispels or mitigates the criticism aimed at Polkadot.

Deliverable: Regularly updated, fact-based responses, and resources will be provided to counter negativity. These resources will include on-chain user activity and transaction data, and this data will be prepared over a period of 3 months.

Incentivize Active Supporters:

Task: Establish a bounty program to incentivize and reward active Polkadot supporters on Twitter.

Deliverable: Establish a bounty program to incentivize and reward active Polkadot supporters on Twitter. The primary goal of this proposal is to provide support to numerous small Twitter influencers. To achieve this, small influencers will receive a tip of 25 DOT each, with a total of 2,500 DOT allocated to 100 Twitter posters and commentators. Eligibility for receiving a tip is contingent on meeting the following criteria:

  • Posting positive content about Polkadot prior to the commencement of the bounty program.

  • Avoiding the dissemination of counter-factual information.

  • Maintaining a respectful tone in their posts. Individuals using derogatory language, such as "Solana is crap," will be excluded from receiving a tip.

  • Ensuring that the posters have not previously received funding from the treasury.

Deliverable: A bounty program offering tips to individuals who actively engage in promoting and defending Polkadot. will be used to organize the payouts.

Budget and Funding

This proposal seeks financial support of 5000 DOT in total from the Polkadot Treasury to execute the tasks outlined above. The budget allocation is as follows:

Investigation, analysis, preparation of data, organization of bounty: 2'500 DOT

Bounty Program: A budget of 2,500 DOT


This proposal will span 3 months


By endorsing this proposal, we aim to redress the negative image that has plagued Polkadot on Twitter. Our objective is to empower the Polkadot community with accurate information to address criticism while rewarding active supporters who contribute to enhancing Polkadot's online reputation. We believe that this initiative will bolster Polkadot's standing in the crypto space, ensuring a more informed and engaged Twitter community.

We humbly request the Polkadot Treasury's support and funding to execute this proposal, with the ultimate goal of presenting a more precise and favorable portrayal of Polkadot in the digital realm.

The full proposal can be found here

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