Big Tips for Subtitling and Promoting Kusamarian's Gavin Wood Interview



Proposal: Big Tips for Subtitling and Promoting Kusamarian's Gavin Wood Interview

Proponent: 14iWWjHr2VLTNW2p5ZzmqNeD1ox2udjsU9VsP5k3murqeNiJ

Date: 13/11/2023

Requested DOT: 1000 DOT

Short description:

We are a Brazilian channel (Verbo da Sabedoria) that brings educational content to the Portuguese speaking community (Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique) through copyrighted videos, articles and also dubbing/subtitling.
The team consists of John Rhodel (Parachainboy), Carlos Sawaki (CJ) and Gabriel Bonugli (Gabekoin).
Our Links:





1 - Context of the proposal:

The idea of this proposal is to make this interview reach as many people as possible with the aim of attracting, promoting and educating people about Polkadot.

The requested funds will be used to cover content production costs and the remainder will be allocated to promotion through paid advertisements (Google Ads and Twitter).

This interview is extremely important for the entire ecosystem, due to the exclusivity of the content contained and those involved.

Original Interview Link:

Subtitled Interview Link:

2 - Budget:

See full proposal here:

3 - Promotion:

Considering the initial request as 1000 DOT ($5,315 EMA7) and discounting the production cost $1790 will result in $3510 to be spent with paid advertisement (Google Ads and Twitter)

The respective advertisement will be held in the official social media platforms using SEO techniques in order to maximize the results.

The advertisement will all be made with the aim of promoting the subtitled interview and the whole Polkadot ecosystem.

All metrics related to the promotion will be posted to the community.

How can we contact the manager of the funds?

Name: Gabriel Bonugli
Telegram: @gabekoin
Discord: gabekoin

Name: John Rhodel Bartolome
Telegram: @parachainboy
Discord: johnrhodel

Name: Carlos Sawaki
Telegram: @carlosawaki
Discord: cejota

If you have any doubts, please contact us, we are open to suggestions, thank you very much.

About US:


John Rhodel Bartolome - AKA "Parachainboy" - Founder Verbo da Sabedoria, Polkadot Senior Ambassador for Brazil, Ambassador of parachains such as: Phala, Oak, Bifrost, Moonbeam, Integritee, Nodle, Crust and Aleph Zero, Content creator, rookie member Polkadot Heroes, director of the Filipino unit at Wagmedia, software engineer, and also with experience producing Polkadot events in Brazil, Blockchain SP, View Party Decoded Curitiba and Blockchain Rio.


Gabriel Bonugli - AKA "Gabekoin" - Polkadot/Kusama Senior Ambassador / Ambassador: Phala, OAK and Polimec also have been contributing as Community Manager, Content Creator, Writer, Translator, member of Kusamigos, marketing specialist and also with experience producing Polkadot events in Brazil, View Party Decoded Curitiba and Blockchain Rio and Curitiba Crypto Day.


Carlos Sawaki (CJ) - I've been studying the markets for 5 years and crypto for almost 3, with some courses also taken in the area. With the great changes taking place in the world, the interest in blockchain technology ended up becoming the current focus in my professional development, having recently joined the team of content creators at WAG Media, Equilibrium and Polimec (Ambassadors Programs on Polkadot Ecosystem) and started an experimental channel on Youtube called Medo de Ficar de Fora (which is the translation of Fear of Missing Out in portuguese), also a contributor to the Youtube channel Verbo da Sabedoria and The Kusamarian.

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