Web Version of Nova Wallet is a Phishing Site: NOVA Web Wallet

12mos ago

Hello everyone,


I just found a phishing site for nova wallet today: https://novawallet.net/

I had the nova wallet app on my phone and I have some dots in it. I felt the app was time consuming to use and limited so I wanted to check if there was a web version of it. As I was searching for the web version of it, I saw NOVA Web Wallet and clicked on it. I entered my mnemonic passphrase the FIRST TIME CORRECTLY and it complaint saying "Your Phrase must be 18 or 12 words". I thought it was weird so I entered it for the SECOND TIME. When I logged in, first thing I noticed was that it wasn't showing my wallet and there was no polkadot in it. Couple minutes later, I realized it was a phishing site but i hadto prove it. So i logged out, then logged in with 12 random words and boy oh boy, I was able to log in.

I wanted to report this site in here but I don't know how, so I decided to just share it here.

P.S. My dots are fine, I transferred them all to Talisman as soon as it happened and I deleted Nova Wallet.

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