Treasury Proposal for Polkassembly Opengov Development

1yr ago

Governance V2 went live for Kusama on 22nd Nov (22/11/22). Polkassembly successfully launched the governance v2 dashboard on the same date allowing the community to start participating in the new truly decentralized governance.

As of 18th January, 72 referendums have been created across various tracks. We recently witnessed the power of OpenGov when two governance bodies voted in a simultaneous and coordinated way to approve an on-chain proposal and help improve the overall network.

The proposal is intended to fund the expenses made while development of OpenGov.
The milestones & respective costs include all the necessary product, research, development, design and management work to reach the defined goals. Read the full proposal here.
We are excited to see how OpenGov improves on-chain governance for the Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem while inspiring other blockchains to learn and adapt to such governance models.

Proposer: Polkassembly

Proponent: F1wAMxpzvjWCpsnbUMamgKfqFM7LRvNdkcQ44STkeVbemEZ

Cost: $92,210 - KSM Cost to be calculated based on 30day EMA in date of on-chain proposal.

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