Polkadot.Study Educational Platform for Developers by Developers

2yrs ago

Polkadot.study aims to be an educational learning platform, that allows developers to increase their skills on topics concerning the polkadot ecosystem.

I am aware that there are currently other educational proposals for discussion (1, 2). I want to add to the discussion with the idea of polkadot.study and hopefully suggest a different approach with what has been in my mind for a long time now. Polkadot.study is only focussed on developers as their target audience, will not give any „rewards“ or „certificates“. Just interactive tutorials, from developers for developers and aggregating already existing resources out there. I am very open for collaboration too.

I am also asking for a kickstart funding for 10 tutorial writers that I would then give as bounties to any developer from the ecosystem who has a good idea. I already found 2 possible writers, and am at the moment networking as a student at the Polkadot Blockchain Academy to get more students on board. See inside the proposal for more details. If the proposal passes as a referendum, there are future plans on how to organize the creation of new tutorials.

The platform will be build on Docusaurus and react. Docusaurus is already widely adopted in the ecosystem as it e.g. powers the polkadot wiki and the subsocial developer docs. Users will be able to work on interactive code examples and take quizzes on the subjects of a tutorial.

 A landing page will list recently submitted tutorials as well as most viewed tutorials. Polkadot-study will have different learning tracks marked by tags. E.g. there could be a polkadot.js track, aggregating all platform internal tutorials on polkadot.js and on top contain additional learning resources like: official documentation, other community created tutorials and any other learning resources.

The Proposal is asking for a total of 45.194€ or 1623 KSM for the time range of max. 4 months.

Feedback is very welcome, also feel free to annotate your comments directly in the google doc. This is my first proposal.

Full Proposal

Polkadot.study Landing Page Mock

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