Hi everyone I'm Albert, founding member of Elixir Docs!
Following on the conversation on Polkadot Discussion #1636, and as suggested by Parity team members, we plan to apply to half of our treasury grant in KSM.
Why we exist
As the whole crypto ecosystem matures, so do the key activities teams need to do to grow their developer base. Business development has become more and more critical when it comes to adoption of blockchain platforms and tools. Hackathons remain as the most common engagement tool with new developers. According to the latest Developer Report, we currently sit at 25.000 monthly active developers in the whole of web3.
We need to onboard web2 developers into web3 for new powerful dApps and use cases to emerge. But when a first time web3 developer comes up with something to build, they struggle to find the right people to speak to, and are forced to navigate discord and read through docs, when the most important decision they need to make is where they plan to deploy their dApp and what tech stack to use.
Improving technical documentation, access to documentation and access to devrel teams will radically change how developers perceive crypto, and we believe will increase the number of builders in web3.
We propose a community powered, devRel moderated platform that helps web2 developers onboard web3 in a scalable manner. Dash meets StackOverflow on steroids (with bounties). Main features:
You can find our research, product spec, budgeting & team bios here here.
We truly believe that Dotsama, all its parachains and dApps can benefit from this initiative. We'd love to hear the communities thoughts before applying for a treasury grant.