Snowbridge mini-update for Q1 2023

1yr ago

Hey folks, I'm the tech lead for Snowbridge, the trustless bridge to Ethereum. Just a short update from our side, as I know we've been fairly quiet on our progress. As you may know, its been over a month since we received our treasury funding to launch as a common-good Ethereum bridge on Kusama and Polkadot:

We're soon going to prepare our quarterly report for Q1 2023, and hope to share it within the next few weeks. Until that's ready, here's a quick summary of our progress so far:

  1. We've been very busy re-architecturing our bridge for deployment on BridgeHub. This includes support for XCMv3 and its native bridging capabilities via the ExportMessage instruction. Our Solidity contracts are nearly done as per, and we are moving next onto development of the BridgeHub pallets.

  2. On the light client front, our Ethereum light client is still under heavy development. Particularly in light of the security vulnerabilities raised in We'll share more details in the upcoming report.

  3. Final deployment of the bridge on Kusama still depends on some projects from Parity and W3F. These include BEEFY and BLS host functions. For Polkadot deployment, we also require Gov2 to be in place.

  4. On the team front, we've hired another developer (Ron Yang) to help out with our ethereum light client.

  5. We're hoping to launch on Kusama in June 2023, and on Polkadot in August 2023. This is 3 month-delay compared to our original estimate in our treasury proposal. These delays are due to (1) and (2).

Anyway, hope to share our Q1 report soon. Stay tuned!

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