Treasury Proposal - Funding for development of Database Analytics and RPC Endpoint monitoring

1yr ago

Dear community,

I am presenting to you a proposal which seeks to fund a database analytic and RPC monitoring project for a period of 12 months. The estimated schedule spans the period of 01-June to 14-September-2023 and would be executed by the three team members of the ParaNodes team.

The proposal seeks to address three gaps of public knowledge:

  1. Database sizing & growth rates
  2. Database restoration times
  3. RPC (WSS) Endpoint monitoring

To achieve these objectives additional hardware is required and I have presented two options for its procurement. The first suggests rental of servers for the duration of the project, whereas the second suggests purchase of hardware with a lifespan of 5 years. Future costs are lower selecting option 2 and any 'discarded' hardware would be donated to a charitable cause. At present rates, the all in cost for option 1 is 2,725.45 KSM whereas the all in cost for option 2 is 3,005.15 KSM, both costs contain fees for slippage and are measured against an EMA7 of $32.817/KSM.

Full details can be found in the proposal document.

Summary of Objectives 1 & 2

At the core of any Polkadot/Kusama node is a database, the database has multiple types and configurations. The project seeks to expand on all useful combination of database types and configurations and monitor its current size and growth rates. The knowledge is useful to validators, collators, RPC providers, developers, researchers or anyone who intends to roll-out or maintain a Polkadot node. The information can be useful to prevent unexpected disk consumption or guide new builders with adequate sizing of disks. The collected data would be presented on the website as well as on the Polkadot Wiki. This project was initiated ~16 months ago, at launch it received welcoming feedback with suggestions to chart data and present growth rates.

Summary of Objective 3

Secondly, I wish to establish a system to monitor the availability, performance and consistency of public RPC endpoints on Kusama and Polkadot. This should provide benefit to end-users and RPC providers themselves. At present, the treasury is the primary financier of public RPC endpoints for which funds are provided based on self-evaluations, this system intends to provide a third-party evaluation of said services to further guide funding.


Will | Paradox

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