Open-source NFT Mint Dapp for Asset Hub By Polkadot Punks

This is our First discussion regarding making our mint dapp open-source for upcoming nft projects on asset Hubs our mint dapp building is in progress but 80% of it's work is done


we're troubleshooting a bug which is not letting user to do  nft.setmetadata in utility batchAll transaction but as of now we're trying to fix all bugs and make it live open-source as soon as possible


we'll first try our mint dapp in Polkadot Punks Public mint then if it successfully works

we'll make it open-source for this whole development

we're asking 1.1k ksm from treasury for further improvements and growth of our mint dapp and also making it open-source with no bugs and with a in depth explanation about the mint Dapp in readme file we just need to fix a single bug

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