Dear Kusama community,
Meet ParaSpell:
A set of powerful XCM Tools ready to elevate your project cross-chain experience
This is the current state of tools:
There are five tools from which - one is core (SDK) for the three (API, ROUTER, VISUALIZATOR). Each tool can be installed independently.
- XCM SDK: Core component for API, Router and Visualizator. Meant to unify the cross-chain experience on Polkadot and become a layer 2 protocol that allows for seamless integration of XCM into your dApps. XCM SDK groups all 54 integrated XCM-compatible Parachain XCM Pallets into one uniform package and allows you to generate cross-chain calls with just one line.
- XCM Router: (SpellRouter☄️): Meant to allow you to create XCM calls where you receive different assets than assets you send (Eg. Send -> DOT from Polkadot, receive ASTR on Astar)—all in just one call.
- XCM API: (LightSpell⚡️): Meant to ease the integration of XCM interoperability into your dApp, offload your dApp from heavy computing and save you costs. LightSpell implements XCM SDK and XCM Router into simple API endpoints.
- XCM Analyser: Tool to convert XCM Multilocations to human-readable format. Written in emphasis on minimalistic dependency list.
- XCM Visualizator: Tool to visualize XCM in the Polkadot ecosystem. Browse through history, explore selected Parachains, filter accounts engaging in XCM the most and more all in exciting 3D universe-like visualization.
The core and the only XCM SDK you will ever need
Created, when there were no other SDKs for XCM in the ecosystem. At the sole beginning of Polkadot. Born from a wild idea, to unify the XCM experience in the ecosystem. Meet our battle-hardened and well-established XCM SDK.

The abilities you gain by using XCM SDK:
- Ability to transfer XCM messages from/to 54 different XCM compatible Parachains (Number of compatible chains fluctuates as some of them are added/removed)
- Support for all three XCM transfer scenarios (UMP - Para to Relay, DMP - Relay to Para, HRMP - Para to Para)
- Support for multi-asset transfers and fully customizable multi-locations (for destination chains, accounts and currencies)
- Customizable XCM version (If our preselected version stops working, you can select one that works with just one simple parameter)
- Asset claim feature with reduced parameters (Only 3 parameters required - chain, amount and address)
- Polkadot <> Kusama bridge implemented for both DOT & KSM transfers
- Testing on testnet or localhost (You can input custom WS port parameter or even custom Parachain ID)
- Useful transfer info queries (Query fees, expected delivery amount and other transfer-related info all in just one query)
- Front-end related data queries - useful asset queries, XCM pallet queries, existential deposit queries and more!
- Ability to use a keep-alive kind of XCM transfer which checks the balance of the account on the destination chain and determines if the amount you send is sufficient.
XCM SDK has since the last 9 months of maintenance had a total of 23506 downloads on NPMJS
Sending one asset cross-chain and receiving another was never this easy
Meet our latest state-of-the-art technology called XCM-Router. It is easy to implement and has plenty of awesome features like automatic exchange chain selection! Featuring 524 asset exchange pools makes it the largest liquidity routing tool in the Polkadot. Try it out via playground!
You gain the following advantages by implementing SpellRouter☄️:
- The ability to transfer assets cross-chain via XCM while being able to exchange them for another asset all within one call.
- Offlift users from the complexity of moving assets to another chain in order to exchange tokens just to send them to another chain later
- Developers able to hide asset exchange complexity and skip multiple implementation steps
- Developers save the time required for complex research
- Complex logic hidden in simple one-line calls
- Seamlessly works for both Polkadot signers (ID 32) as well as EVM signers (Key 20)
XCM ROUTER has since it was introduced 199 days ago (Dec 15th. 2023) had a total of 15161 downloads on NPMJS
Want to go packageless and save space? We got you
Meet our award-winning and first XCM API in the ecosystem. XCM API packs every XCM SDK and XCM-Router feature and allows you to implement XCM packagelessly.

The advantages of LightSpell⚡️ XCM API for developers:
- XCM API reduces call construction time to seconds
- Built-in user error prevention for seamless operation
- Built-in Token authentication for DDoS prevention
- Easy to use tech stack: Typescript, Nest.js, ParaSpell XCM-SDK & XCM Router
- Also designed for simple private deploy
- API Offloads your server from heavy computing required to construct calls (You receive constructed message already)
- API saves you server costs (Because of the reason mentioned above)
- API features Package-less integration (No need to install anything compared to SDK alternatives)
- API is simple to implement (Constructed to be as dev-friendly as possible)
- API is live on the following link:
XCM API Served since its launch 287 days ago (September 13th. 2023) a total of 359817 requests and faced 0 downtime
Unable to decode complex XCM? Say no more
Developed in collaboration with PolkadotJS (Now implemented in PolkadotJS Extension-UI) XCM-Analyser lets you decode XCM Multilocations into human-readable format while being lightweight with minimalistic dependency list. Check it out in our Playground.

XCM Analyser has since it was introduced 77 days ago (Apr 15th. 2024) had a total of 1578 downloads on NPMJS
Exploring XCM in stunning, universe-like 3D Visualization was never this straightforward
Discover our award-winning and first XCM-Visualization oriented tool in the ecosystem - XCM Visualizator. Built to enhance data science around XCM. Scientists can visualize XCM-related information with ease in remarkable 3D and 2D visualizations. Now more available than ever -

The advantages you gain in XCM Visualizator:
- Gain insights into network scalability over time with detailed historical analysis
- Identify the most active chains in cross-chain messaging
- Monitor the accounts with the highest cross-chain messaging activity
- Discover the most frequently used channels
- Track the most commonly transferred assets
- Access comprehensive details for any selected chain, including simultaneous multi-chain analysis
- Personalize colour schemes to highlight key details effectively
- Enjoy the benefits of an open-source platform that is completely free forever
Implementation made easy with our docs
Meet our comprehensive documentation covering just about every topic developers will meet with when implementing XCM and our tools into their dAPPs.

Docs had a total of 137 refactor and update deployments on GitHub pages since their launch
Our team and history:
- By now we completed 5️⃣ Web 3 Foundation grants meant to fund the development of our common good tools. This goes to show our dedication to the topic and the community. They can be observed here: Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4 and Phase 5.
- We have been granted trust from the Kusama community 3️⃣ times in the following maintenance proposals that helped us further perfect our tools: Maintenance 1, Maintenance 2 and Maintenance 3 is historically 🥇first maintenance related referenda to receive 100% AYE support.
- Some of our tools are partially / fully funded by participation in Hackathons (To maximize self-sufficiency when developing state-of-the-art tools):
- XCM API was co-funded with 🥇first place at the Polkadot Global Series APAC 2023 Hackathon in the XCM Integration track. Here is the final announcement post.
- The XCM Visualizator was fully funded by 🥈second place at the Polkadot Global Series North America 2024 Hackathon in the XCM Integration track. Here is the result announcement
- Our knowledge and funds are reinvested into professional research articles 👨🏫 - Promoting Polkadot and ParaSpell in the long run at international research conferences (We occupy the first page when you search "Polkadot XCM" on Google Scholar). Conferences we choose are with higher standards and higher Z-indexes. We were so far able to publish a total of 5️⃣ professional research articles:
- Sharing fungible assets across Polkadot Paraverse: IEEE ICECET 2022 - link
- Enhancing XCMP Interoperability Across Polkadot Paraverse: IEEE ICBC 2023 - link
- ParaSpell XCM SDK: A New Protocol for Interoperability in Polkadot Paraverse: IEEE BCCA 2023 - link
- Cross-Chain Payments on Blockchain Networks: An Apartment Booking Use-Case: ACM SAC 2024 - link
- Interlinked Transactions: Revolutionizing Apartment Bookings through Cross-Chain Payments: BCCA 2024 - link
- Cross-Chain Non-Fungible Assets Sharing on Polkadot - Currently submitted to the conference and in the review process
The team behind the project has been hacking in the Polkadot ecosystem for a while now.
Consisting of 2 members:
Both team members achieved their Master's degree recently (June 2024) and are working on ParaSpell full-time. Dušan continues to study for a Doctoral degree (To be able to continue research passion and release more research papers for Polkadot and ParaSpell).
Aim of this proposal:
The proposal aims to aid server costs and maintenance for the 🥇 first XCM API and XCM Visualizator in the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystem. Maintaining XCM API, XCM ROUTER and XCM Visualizator also include maintaining its core component - XCM SDK. These common good tools along with XCM Analyser, XCM Playground, Documentation and Landing page will be fully maintained for the mentioned period starting on 1st August 2024 and ending on 1st February 2025. This proposal allows all tools to remain completely free for the entire Polkadot and Kusama communities. It also allows our team to dedicate time to help other teams that wish to implement our tools.
What are you getting by implementing one of our tools or more
- Complex free support with implementation (Through a private telegram group between our and your team (We usually respond within minutes and we are also open to live calls when time plays a role in your project delivery - form to reach out to us can be found on our Landing page))
- Prompt issue solving if any occurs (Feel free to open an issue in any repo)
- Constant updates for every package (We strive to bring new features for each tool)
- Comprehensive documentation for each tool
- Reliability (Checked each month for changes in Pallets or compatible Parachains)
- Guarantee, that everything is free for everyone. The ParaSpell✨ team aims to deliver only the common good, be completely open-source and free with no hidden costs or subscriptions.
What are you getting as a non-developer/dApp user by supporting this proposal
- Our products allow dApps to be created much faster, so you can enjoy their benefits quicker.
- You can be sure, that dApp implementing our tool is safe for XCM as our tools are thoroughly tested and regularly updated. There are multiple ways to lose assets cross-chain.
- You too can try our products via the Playground.
- We have been in the ecosystem for a while now and we are hardcore ecosystem fans. We will continue maintaining the tools even if we are short of funding (Just at a slower pace). So you do not have to deal with your dApp suddenly disabling your favourite feature. This is because we primarily build and maintain these tools to make life easier for everyone - not for profits (There is no business model or hidden fees in any of our tools. They are purely common good).
Proposal schedule
- Discussion: 1. July. 2024 - 8. July. 2024
- Voting: 9. July. 2024 - 22. July. 2024
Proposal ask
The proposal seeks 48.000$ worth of funding for 6 months of various maintenance tasks and assistance to other teams. This is divided into 8.000$ per month and 25$ per developer work hour. More information can be found in the full proposal document.
Documents associated with this proposal:
Full proposal (Contains detailed information on how we plan to use funds)
One pager
Documentation for XCM Tools