opengovr - Tinder Like Swiping App for OpenGov on Polkadot.
A prototype is online at
(⚠️ do not use for voting yet ⚠️)
I am posting this to
a) Ask the community for their thoughts
b) Seek funding in case of positive feedback
c) Solicit feature wishes and discuss future development
- Make voting more engaging
- Increase governance participation
- Showcase Polkadot technology
- Open source for educational purposes
The idea was initially conceived by Shawn Tabrizi in the Polkadot Forum in 2022. Years have passed since then, and I believe it's time to bring more fun to Polkadot and encourage greater participation in governance, whether through direct voting or delegation.

- List most recent proposals
- Connect wallets
- Swipe left to Nay
- Swipe right to Aye
- Responsive design: works great on phones (nova)
- Vote overview slide (last slide)
- Trigger batch transactions for all votes
- weighing = more fine grained control over the votes
- on list slide allow users to slide their conviction up for each particular vote
- Advanced proposal info slide
- proponent popup (identity, identicon, ...)
- links to subsquare + polkassembly
- call data as json (power user)
- time remaining to vote
- Multichain: Polkadot, Kusama, any chain with enabled OpenGov pallets
- Settings Page
- default vote settings: amount, conviction
- power user: on / off
- only show unvoted proposals: default on
- Delegation Nudges: Encourage people to delegate their votes (voting can be time-consuming and motivation may drop)
- Analytics: Track how many people actually use the app, which is essential for evaluation
- I aim to establish a paradigm for leveraging ecosystem technologies, specifically by utilizing useInkathon + polkadot.js, later a fork for reactive-dot + polkadot-api. This initiative will serve as a guide for other dApp developers, providing them with a real-world, open-source use case to follow
I wanted to kick things off with the discussion here and the working prototype. In the best practice of starting small I plan, after a running period, to evaluate the success of the app to decide on how to proceed.
If the community likes and uses the tool I plan to build native apps for iOS and Android for an even better UX. Also gather a small team for branding and marketing the app.
Looking forward to your comments.