KUSAMA x ONE: Educating Users & Enhancing Ecosystem Visibility in Latam.

13d ago

Our ONE app is now live after successfully passing user experience tests in June 2024. It’s designed for Spanish-speaking communities and is quite user-friendly, even for those unfamiliar with crypto.

This post is for you to check out our proposal, give us feedback, and see if you would like to sponsor us. We believe that with our strengths we can add value to the Kusama ecosystem, but we also recognize that at this stage, we need partners who are willing to experiment and try something new that still lacks broader validation.

Our goal is to exceed the objectives of the proposal by helping Kusama in areas where we believe we have strengths, and later find more opportunities with Polkadot & Kusama to build a long-term relationship.


ONE is designed to empower Spanish-speaking communities with an accessible and educational experience to discover and understand blockchain ecosystems. ONE offers intuitive ecosystem visibility, short educational videos, and the ability to participate in missions that reward users for their blockchain achievements.

Key Features of ONE:

  • Ecosystem Visibility: Users can explore blockchains and protocols with an intuitive design that highlights projects, technologies, and strengths in a concise manner.
  • Short Educational Videos: Instead of long guides, we offer brief videos that cover the user’s journey in a blockchain, from initial setup to advanced functions, all in less time and with direct understanding.
  • Reward-Based Missions: Users can participate in missions designed to guide them through blockchain adoption, with token incentives for completing key actions, such as on-chain identity verification.

Main parts of ONE

  1. Vision (video): where we categorize blockchain protocols and display Web3 Intelligence cards.
    • Key Features:
      • Vision offers great UX for users unfamiliar with crypto and has a strong UI in mobile version, as evidenced by our user experience tests in June 2024.
      • The Vision cards contain new and unique fields such as project-friendly information, founders, technology summaries, and blockchains explained narratively.
      • Vision has a built-in analytics variation that quickly displays project summary cards (currently with tokens) to the user.
      • The initial Vision view uses the project’s wordmarks according to their brand assets (if available).
      • Vision doesn’t require projects to input information; it compiles the data by itself through research by e-Dolphin (our company).
      • Vision is categorized from the moment the user enters, with tooltips in all protocol subcategories to provide simple explanations.
  2. Tour (video): where we categorize the actions you can take on a blockchain through short action videos and explanatory videos.
    • Key Features:
      • Tour is the most appealing section for users unfamiliar with crypto, and it has strong UX, as evidenced by our user experience tests in June 2024.
      • Tour includes a special categorization by action (e.g., wallets, swaps, lending, borrowing) that can be done on a blockchain and can also add special categories (for example, "All About Kusama").
      • Tour has a video-sharing option for the most popular social media platforms in Latam (WhatsApp, Facebook, and X).
        In Latam, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, and TikTok have over 80-90% usage in several countries, and X around 10%. Source: https://datareportal.com/reports/?tag=Southern+America
      • ONE's Tour videos are published on YouTube and soon on TikTok.

  3. Missions (video): for users to earn rewards.
    • Key Features:
      • Missions is appealing to both crypto users and those unfamiliar with crypto, as evidenced by our user experience tests in June 2024.
      • Missions has larger and more detailed cards and includes a simple participation system (users can click to register and then submit proofs).
      • Missions is designed to include any type of campaign that projects want to incentivize on their networks and/or protocols. It is also versatile and can experiment with new types of campaigns.
      • Missions also has categorization, but it’s more narrowly focused.


We’ve identified seven key problems that our proposal could address:

  1. Limited material available in Spanish.
  2. Difficulty in quickly making Kusama and its ecosystem visible to new users.
  3. Possible perception of Kusama as a test network.
  4. Increasingly competitive multichain market. It’s harder to generate adoption among users already familiar with crypto.
  5. Barrier for non-technical users. The user journey in Kusama can be more complex compared to other networks, and it takes longer to learn, especially for communities that don’t read English or have different educational backgrounds.
  6. Technical complexity. Kusama has a highly advanced and unique architecture, along with an impressive decentralized governance system, which can be intimidating for users coming from simpler networks or those getting to know the network for the first time.
  7. Very few use cases that address local issues in Latam.


We aim to position Kusama as a network for radical innovation in Spanish (1, 2, 3, and 4) by increasing its visibility and knowledge of its ecosystem (1 and 2), improving the onboarding experience (5), creating more educational resources (6), and promoting a campaign to encourage users to engage with the network (7).

  • Enhancing visibility and ecosystem awareness: Add the Kusama ecosystem to our Vision section and make it easier for new parachains and ecosystem dapps to be listed.
  • Improving onboarding and creating more educational resources: A user-centered approach through: (1) creating a user journey for Kusama called "All About Kusama" with action videos covering the basic user experience, and (2) explaining Kusama’s main strengths and tools through "Kusama Explained," using educational videos (more technical, but user-friendly). Both will be in our Tour section and published on YouTube and TikTok.
  • Promoting a campaign for users to engage with the network: Launch a Kusama "on-chain identity" mission, allowing users to create wallets, send funds from CEX to Kusama, and verify their identity. This way, they’ll be ready to experiment with governance or use the network for remittances—use cases that are highly relevant in Latam, don’t require new developments, and can be reinforced through the mission.

Available Solutions

We’ve identified solutions related to our Vision section in ONE, but they are not available in Spanish. We haven’t found similar solutions to our Tour and Missions sections related to Kusama.

  • Kusama Guide: Not available in Spanish. It could be related to our Vision section.
  • Parachains.info: Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem projects directory. Not available in Spanish. It could be related to our Vision section, but it’s a more comprehensive project information solution with multiple pages (routes). However, ONE’s Vision uses an embedded analytics variation to avoid routes (the user clicks, and the card appears), and with good performance, users can browse 5-6 cards in about 20 seconds if they want to explore quickly.
  • Awesome-DOT.com: Central Library of Polkadot ecosystem. Not available in Spanish. It could be related to our Vision section.
  • dotinsights: Polkadot & Kusama Ecosystem Map. Not available in Spanish. It could be related to our Vision section in terms of categorization and has a very nice UI. However, ONE’s Vision focuses on simple protocol information details to enhance user comprehension, making it friendly for users unfamiliar with crypto, while dotinsights caters more to community preferences.

Milestones and Timeline

Milestone 1 – Kusama in ONE’s Vision (2-3 weeks)





Add Kusama and Polkadot + Add Kusama parachains and dapps + free listing for Kusama dapps with tokens.

Add Kusama’s ecosystem to ONE’s Vision. This includes cards for Kusama and Polkadot under the 'blockchains' category, and cards for parachains and dapps with tokens from Kusama’s ecosystem. Open a listing channel in English for parachains and dapps with tokens so they can list on ONE. We’ll handle the translation into Spanish after validating the project at https://dotinsights.subwallet.app/projects/.

Research, development, API connection, and integration of Kusama into e-Dolphin’s db.

Kusama, Polkadot, and Kusama ecosystem cards with tokens implemented in ONE’s Vision. Listing channel open.

Create ‘Parachains’ category

Create ‘Parachains’ category in Vision.

Development and integration of category into e-Dolphin’s db.

Kusama’s ‘Parachains’ category implemented in ONE’s Vision.

Add Kusama filter button in Vision

Add a filter button for Kusama’s ecosystem.


Button implemented in ONE’s Vision.


Milestone 2 – Kusama in ONE’s Tour (12-14 weeks)

Begins in parallel with Milestone 1. We can start publishing from week 2 or 3.





Create Kusama user journey and ‘All About Kusama’ category

Create ‘All About Kusama’ category in Tour. Create videos about: Wallets (5): download and creation, wallet parts, sending funds from CEX, returning funds to CEX, transferring between Kusama and parachains. Governance (5): connecting to Polkassembly, OpenGov parts, setting up on-chain identity, request judgement, removing on-chain identity.

Research, content creation, graphic design, audio, video editing.

10 cards in ONE’s Tour with sharing links configured. 10 videos published on ONE’s YouTube + 10 clips on TikTok.

Create educational videos about Kusama and ‘Kusama Explained’ category

Create ‘Kusama Explained’ category in Tour. Create videos about: Kusama (10) what is Kusama, what are parachains, substrate, parachain auctions (2), parachain crowdloan, Polkadot-JS, network participants, OpenGov (2).

Research, content creation, graphic design, audio, video editing.

10 cards in ONE’s Tour with sharing links configured. 10 videos published on ONE’s YouTube + 10 clips on TikTok.


Milestone 3 – Kusama in ONE’s Missions (5-6 weeks)

Begins after the Kusama user journey (‘All About Kusama’) is completed.





Create ‘Kusama: On-Chain Identity’ mission with a goal of reaching 150 participants with verified on-chain identity in Kusama. *Max 150 winning participants. **Prize 0.375 KSM for the first 50 and 0.275 KSM for the next 100. Total 46.25 KSM. ***If the target is not reached, the difference will be returned.

Create mission card and conditions in ONE with a 30-day duration. Promote the mission, create assets, create a campaign video, and provide community support. Monitor the mission, validate participants’ submissions, and distribute rewards.

Development, content creation, campaign management.

Mission implemented in ONE.


Key Deliverables

  • Vision:
    • Kusama, Polkadot, and parachain cards implemented in ONE.
    • Filter button for Kusama’s ecosystem implemented in ONE.
    • Listing of Kusama parachains and dapps implemented.
  • Tour:
    • ‘All About Kusama’ category implemented in ONE, including 10 video cards in ONE’s Tour with share buttons, 10 videos published on YouTube, and 10 clips on TikTok.
    • ‘Kusama Explained’ category implemented in ONE, including 10 video cards in ONE’s Tour with share buttons, 10 videos published on YouTube, and 10 clips on TikTok.
  • Missions:
    • Kusama mission in ONE, including mission card and ‘more info’ button with mission conditions implemented in ONE.

Objectives/Success Criteria

  • Vision:
    • Kusama card: 100-300 clicks in the first month, 300-500 clicks in the second month, >500 clicks starting from the third month. Kusama will be prioritized as the first or second card for 6 months in the blockchain category. These clicks are separate from the ones received on Polkadot and parachain cards, making this an achievable target at this stage.
  • Tour:
    • Kusama videos: 30-90 shares per month from ONE’s Tour. Users will share via Facebook, WhatsApp, and X.
    • Kusama videos on YouTube: 10,000–50,000 total views within 6 months. 500-2500 average views per video. Traffic will be generated both on YouTube and from ONE.
    • Kusama videos on TikTok: 20,000–100,000 total views on TikTok within 6 months. On TikTok, we’ll create cross-content on web3 and blockchain, including Kusama clips.
  • Missions:
    • Verified on-chain identity users: 50-150 verified users by the end of the mission. Users will be registered on ONE as they must enroll in the mission, and for verifications to count as valid, they must be done after the mission starts. Prize: 0.375 KSM for the first 50 users and 0.275 KSM for the next 100, totaling 46.25 KSM. Rewards will be distributed directly to users' wallets on the Kusama network, and if the 150-user goal is not met, the remaining funds will be returned.

Reports and Communication Strategy

  • ONE app, YouTube, and TikTok metrics report: To be delivered within 5 calendar days after the end of the first, third, and sixth months. To be published in the Polkassembly referendum.
  • ONE app mission report: To be delivered within 15 calendar days after the mission ends, following the distribution of funds to the winning users. It will include the total amount and the refunded amount if the 150-winner goal is not reached. To be published in the Polkassembly referendum.

About Us:

ONE was created by e-Dolphin with the goal of building bridges between blockchain technologies and Spanish-speaking communities.

Core Team

ONE's team combines expertise in blockchain engineering, software development, cloud computing, design, audiovisual communication and communication strategy to empower Spanish-speaking communities in Web3.

Why Kusama?

We believe Kusama is an innovative network that plays a critical role in the blockchain industry, and with ONE’s strengths, we can help communicate its best features to the Spanish-speaking communities. We are aligned with Kusama in terms of the risks we’ve taken to get here and our willingness to experiment. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on our proposal, and if you find it viable, we hope to gain your trust to get started.

Complete Proposal

The proposal requests 27,700 $ from the treasury. Full details can be found here:
Full proposal


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