Encointer is a platfrom for self-sovereign identity and local community currencies with self-issued universal basic income.
The fundament of Encointer is its unique-proof-of-personhood protocol which leverages the fact that a human can only be in one place at one time.
Employing physical concurrent pseudonym key-signing parties, Encointer aims to bring self-sovereign identity with strong guarantees to Polkadot.
What Encointer SSI will enable for the Polkadot Ecosystem:
The current status of Encointer is a functional prototype with two live testnets: Gesell and Cantillon. Our bot communities are constantly actively testing. Cantillon development has been funded with a web3 grant which has been delivered in July.
Moreover, we developed a mobile phone app based on polkawallet.io for the purpose of participating at Encointer Ceremonies and as a wallet for Encointer local currencies. Showcase:
Encointer is now actively planning pilot projects with NGO's targeting local communities in developing nations where many people have neither a state-issued ID document nor a bank account - but do have a mobile phone.
We aim at furthering financial inclusion and improving on equal opportunity for all humans. Encointer is a non-profit Swiss association.
Read our primer article: https://medium.com/@funny_mango_mouse_595/towards-a-decentralized-global-universal-basic-income-995651b2ceb6
Encointer requests funding from the Polkadot treasury to:
This proposal also covers the following maintenance expenditures:
Assuming the current DOT valuation of ~6$ we would commit to deliver the above for 7000 DOT (bond: 350 DOT)
Disclosure: The "Encointer Testnet Cantillon" web3 grant is currently the associations only capital and is paid in vested DOTs, which means the association lacks
liquidity to pay developers. We can't access the recent gains on DOT valuation which we will gladly contribute to further development entirely as soon as they become transferrable.
We are a non-profit association and will spend all funds on furthering the associations' goals. No risk of overpaying this proposal.
Our submitted proposal: https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/treasury/9