KSM Simple Nomination Treasury Proposal


We are building new Nomination scenarios for beginners and then for advanced strategies. This presentation describes the problem and a proposed solution: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14etktaIFTQBLNqW684qUj-6hhH59-GBJR-827WGDbBg/edit?usp=sharing.

This is the spec for the first two milestones: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Eh-QtleAVe38IPb-tfjgv8Rlu4ANCrJld_SMMoyIxAQ/edit?usp=sharing.

The first Treasury Proposal (#19) is for Milestone 1, which is completed and reviewed by Jaco with plenty of feedback. We already fixed some of the issues raised, and plan to fix the remainder mostly during the Milestone 2. The resulting solution (upon Milestone 2) will be working as a stand alone solution, with a clear path to synchronize with Polkadot.JS as there are important changes to its functionality in the next month or two. We are hoping to have a production-ready solution upon completion of the Milestone 3.

This proposal was first presented in the Kusama Direction Riot Channel on April 10, receiving a soft approval from a number of Council Members.

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