At Fellowship request, we have submitted the new batch of auctions for 2023, from LP27 to LP35, this time on root track. The Fellowship members are working on a PR to include the use of Scheduler in Auctions Admin track: for now, root track is the only track that will execute this call successfully.
Contextual information below:
After the successful enactment of motion 438, scheduling 32 auctions in 2022 from LP21 to LP26, the Kusama community aims to continue including new parachains and allowing those already up and running to renew their slots in 2023. This proposals aims to schedule a new batch of auctions:
The complete schedule for this year can be found HERE from line 17 on: please note the first two auctions for LP27 already happened.
Call data for this proposal:
Make sure to review and vote at your convenience!