This is a Fellowship referendum to whitelist the call to upgrade Kusama and its System Parachains to v9420. The preimage is under 0xf3872cfebdcb48512eeaf8914e442398b85ace552d0c172623f2e7341c80638d.
This proposal aims to whitelist the hash of public referendum no. 190, aiming to upgrade Kusama relay chain runtime and System parachains.
The specific details on this upgrade please check the release notes. This release contains the changes from v0.9.41 to v0.9.42. Please note there are 4 runtime migrations for relay chain on this release (details on the post), in addition to the migrations mentioned above, all the migrations included in runtimes since v9380 have been included in this release, allowing to jump over a few runtimes.
On system parachains upgrade, among other things, this upgrade includes the new NFT 2.0 pallet, a new instance of the Assets pallet, and a new runtime API to query balances.
This proposal aims to whitelist the hash of public referendum no. 190, aiming to upgrade Kusama relay chain runtime and System parachains.
The specific details on this upgrade please check the release notes. This release contains the changes from v0.9.41 to v0.9.42. Please note there are 4 runtime migrations for relay chain on this release (details on the post), in addition to the migrations mentioned above, all the migrations included in runtimes since v9380 have been included in this release, allowing to jump over a few runtimes.
On system parachains upgrade, among other things, this upgrade includes the new NFT 2.0 pallet, a new instance of the Assets pallet, and a new runtime API to query balances.
Make sure to vote at your convenience!