Referendum #215
Treasury #322

Visualize polkadot program phase1 bounty top up

1yr ago
AI Summary

Hi Yongfeng! Thank you for submitting and pushing this for vote. With regards to the site for collaborations in a bounty and child bounty way: can you give us more info about userbase and some metrics? Also, do you publicize this site anywhere? how attractive is it por developers?


@RTTI-5220 , thank you for the question. Following chart is about visitors and requests to However, I think most visitors are for off-chain voting: . The bounties site is in a very early stage since now there are very few child bounties, but we believe child bounty collaboration should be a feasible way for public goods development. Future work should includes talking with bounty curators and do promotion to external developers.

BTW, we haven't publicized this site through medias or social network. Publicization work includes:

  1. We created a post on polkadot forum to call for developers.
  2. Announce it in kusama governance channel.
  3. We broadcast developer enrollment information in wechat groups we know.

We got 2 developers for our child bounties in upper ways. We didn't take ways which will charge fees due to there is not enough fund, and we don't think it will be effective.


Up 1

Hi Yongfeng. We'd like to invite you to join AAG on Monday at 3:30pm UTC to share your proposal and take questions from the audience.

Please reach out on Matrix

Thanks! 🙏

Up 1

Participating in Subsquare bounty program was a great experience. Good learning experience and pro-active guidance/mentorship from Yongfeng LI | OpenSquare.

Good documentation, modular and clean code made it even seamless to contribute. 💯

Ethereum also has a similar platform, Gitcoin. I'm hopeful we can use opensquare bounty platform to such extent.


Why is the beneficiary the Treasury?


@Anaelle | Parity Thanks for your reminder. This proposal is a topup for bounty #11, so we updated our process there.

What we have achieved:

  1. Implemented identity business and released on polkadot/kusama statescan. We can see how identity pallet works by this work and understand the business by delivered UIs. We also give update on polkadot forum.
  2. Implemented multisig pallet business. The delivered work includes multisig related UI on statescan, multisig graphql API which is also used by subsquare for related multisig UIs, updates on forum here.
  3. Implemented 1st version of vesting-scan, but we need more refactor work for final delivery.
  4. We finished 2 child bounties collaboration through the built bounty collaboration site #245 and #335. The assumed workflow in bounty #11 is proven workable, but there are still much work can be done for improvements, like not all kinds of work is appropriate for external developers bounty, best bounty size for different work(backend, fronted, scan, etc), communication workflow with bounty hunters.

Future work plans:

  • Refactor vesting scan and scan blocks for polkadot/kusama.
  • Create graphql API for vesting business.
  • Vesting business related UI.
  • Improve child bounty workflow and try to make it more efficient.

We plan to finish upper planned work in the first half year of 2024.
