- Date: 08.06.2023
- Proponent: OpenSquare(ESgz7GLVW7BL5DhRgpVnxSXVwaKt4ytWcrf52TY1GQD1cEb)
- Bounty address: F3opxRbN5ZbjJNU513biNd7gHacZD1K3wU4M6Yiq3MZxZgf
- KSM requested: 3,100 KSM
Please check Bounty #11 or full proposal for details of polkadot visualization bounty program. Its targets includes:
- Implement a group of UI to show business of kusama/polkadot.
- Engage more developers to dotsama developing in the way of child bounties.
- Seek ways to facilitate collaborations between projects and external developers in the dotsama ecosystem.
Current achivements:
- Developed and released a site for collaborations in a bounty and child bounty way. Bounty curators can import bounties or child bounties on chain to this site, and external developers can apply them. This bounty site support basic collaboration flows between curators and external developers. Funded by child bounty #34.
- Statescan-v2 is developed and released. Now it support polkadot, kusama and several other common good para chains. It's 100% open source. Compared to statescan v1, v2 is more modularized and friendly for collaboration between developers. V2 development work is still not paid due to the market condition.
- Bounty #245 and bounty #335 are created for identity and vesting pallet business scan. Identity scan child bounty has been awarded, while vesting pallet child bounty is still under developing. 2 external developers are enrolled.
Already spend:
Current remaining: 262.77KSM, ≈$6,500.
The final request is $80,000 considering the request of the bounty proposal and the cost already been spent.
Possible questions
Can the bounty site be used by other bounties?
Of course. Any dotsama onchain bounties can be imported and seek collaborations with hunters.
OpenSquare requested maintenance cost for statescan, is it been double paid?
We usually separated public goods maintenance proposal and new features development proposal. Though maintenance proposal includes some small amount for development, in most cases it's bug fixes, UI tweaks and code refactor. Beg the understand it's a complex process to develop, maintain and collaborate with external developers for a robust and 100% open source explor.
Why a bounty instead of a dedicated team?
- OpenSquare is dedicated to dotsama ecosystem development, but our capacity is limited.
- Bounty and child bounty will make these jobs open to all developers.
- Bounty provide a price discovery mechanism between dotsama development and labors.